Monday, December 10, 2007

To Color or not to Color

Colored Jeans have been introduced in the past few seasons and though they aren't popular yet in my area, it's only a matter of time before they hit. My quandry is whether colored jeans are actually cute and stylish, or if they are one of those trends that I will look back on and think, "I can't believe I wore that."

These colors are very fun and playful, but I think I find they may be too vibrant for my lower half. The blue is by Ksubi and the pink is by Couture Candy.

I think the red and yellow would be fun for going out.

I think the darker, less vibrant colors, like this deep green pair from Dittos and plum pair from Cassette, would be much easier to wear for everyday.

What's your take on colored jeans?

image sources:,


Queen of Preen said...

I really like the wide legs and the maroon skinny pant. Good choices!
Also, I love your header, did you draw it? It's lovely.

Fashion! said...

Thank you for the header comment. The girl is a clip art that I tweaked and the surrounding graphics did on a progam.

Fashion Tidbits said...

definitely do-able, but make sure to mute the accessories and top!